of the
- IWW Constitution and By-Laws 1999-
The working class and the employing class have nothing in common. There can be no peace so long as hunger and want are found among millions of the working people and the few, who make up the employing class, have all the good things of life.
Between these two classes a struggle must go on until the workers of the world organize as a class, take possession of the means of production, abolish the wage system, and live in harmony with the Earth.
We find that the centering of the management of industries into fewer and fewer hands makes the trade unions unable to cope with the ever-growing power of the employing class. The trade unions foster a state of affairs which allows one set of workers to be pitted against another set of workers in the same industry, thereby helping defeat one another in wage wars. Moreover, the trade unions aid the employing class to mislead the workers into the belief that the working class have interests in common with their employers.
These conditions can be changed and the interest of the working class upheld only by an organization formed in such a way that all its members in any one industry, or in all industries if necessary, cease work whenever a strike or lockout is on in any department thereof, thus making an injury to one an injury to all.
Instead of the conservative motto, "A fair day's wage for a fair day's work," we must inscribe on our banner the revolutionary watchword, "Abolition of the wage system."
It is the historic mission of the working class to do away with capitalism. The army of production must be organized, not only for everyday struggle with capitalists, but also to carry on production when capitalism shall have been overthrown. By organizing industrially we are forming the structure of the new society within the shell of the old.
Knowing, therefore, that such an organization is absolutely necessary for emancipation, we unite under the following constitution:
Name and Structure
Section 1. This organization shall be known as THE INDUSTRIAL WORKERS OF THE WORLD.
Sec. 2. The Industrial Workers of the World shall be composed of actual wage workers brought together in an organization embodying Job Branches, Industrial Union Branches, General Membership Branches, Industrial Unions, Industrial Departments, and Regional Organizing Committees.
Sec. 3(a). An Industrial Department shall be composed of Industrial Unions in closely kindred industries appropriate for representation in the departmental administration, and assigned thereto by the General Executive Board of the Industrial Workers of the World.
(b). An Industrial Department shall consist of two or more Industrial Unions aggregating a membership of not less than 20,000 members. The Departments shall have supervision over the affairs of the Industrial Unions composing same, provided that all matters concerning the entire membership of the IWW shall be settled by a referendum.
(c). The Departments shall be designated as follows:
1 - Department of Agriculture, Land, Fisheries, and Water Products.
2 - Department of Mining.
3 - Department of Construction.
4 - Department of Manufacturing and General Production.
5 - Department of Transportation and Communication.
6 - Department of Public Service.
Industrial Unions
Sec. 4(a). Industrial Unions shall be composed of actual wage workers in a given industry welded together as the particular requirements of said industry may render necessary.
(b). Whenever five or more industrial Union Branches with a combined membership of no less than 100 has been attained in any industry, the General Executive Board shall issue an Industrial Union charter upon receipt of a petition signed by two thirds of the combined membership of said Industrial Union Branches.
(c). An Industrial Union, once chartered, shall act to convene a Convention or Assembly to adopt Industrial Union Bylaws and a uniform Industrial Union dues structure, and to nominate Industrial Union officers to be elected by mail ballot of the membership of said Industrial Union.
(d). Industrial Union Branches in the same industry without a chartered Industrial Union are encouraged to establish coordinating bodies consistent with section 5 hereof.
Sec. 5. Component parts of the IWW may set up such coordinating bodies as they wish, provided their cost shall be defrayed by the sections setting them up, and further provided that they shall not void rank and file control.
Sec. 6. No legislation conflicting with the constitution of the IWW shall be passed by any subordinate body.
Sec. 7. All charters of local bodies shall be issued by the GEB. In industries where the IWW includes a functioning Industrial Union, charters shall be issued only on recommendation of its General Organizing Committee. In other industries it shall be permissible for local General Membership Branches to organize and administer local bodies of workers in any industry until they apply for and are granted Industrial Union Branch charters. In localities where there is one or more Industrial Union Branch(es) and a General Membership Branch, it shall be locally optional either to set up a delegate council to handle matters of common concern (such as educational, defense, and social activities) or to leave these to the General Membership Branch, with the sharing of financial obligations to be arranged between them. Where no General Membership Branch is chartered, it is expected of all members of the IWW to arrange for occasional meetings at which any and all members, whether they are members of Industrial Union Branches or not, may meet together to plan local joint activities. Charters shall be issued to GMBs or to IUBs only if the GEB finds it feasible for their members to meet together. More than one GMB in the same city or area shall be chartered only when the GEB finds language, transportation, or other practical reasons warrant it.
Sec. 8.
a) Regional Organizing Committees are subordinate regional sections of the IWW. Whenever there are 10 or more members of the IWW in a region, they may petition the GEB to form a ROC.
b) ROCs may set their local dues structure, local Branch sizes and elect officers. Services provided to individual ROCs shall be negotiated between the ROC and General Administration.
c) ROCs may print membership cards and issue stamps in the local language(s). The membership numbers for the cards shall be provided by
General Headquarters.
d) ROCs will negotiate with the GEB a per-capita towards
international organizing activities.
e) All ROCs will be required to set up an Organizing Bulletin or other method of internal discussion accessible to all members within that ROC. The local Organizing Bulletins shall contain an international report from the GST and GEB which shall be provided to the ROC on a monthly basis.
Sec. 1(a). The IWW actively seeks to enfranchise all members of the working class and to oppose bigotry in all of its forms. The IWW discriminates only against the employing class and those whose purpose it is to maintain that power. We insist upon full empowerment regardless of, but not limited to: age, race, sex, color, philosophical beliefs, mental/physical capacity, sexual/gender orientation, familial status, physique/physiognomy, incarcerated status, economic status, manner by which one earns a living, or geographic origin or location. Membership is open to any member of the working class whose aim is consistent with that of the IWW.
(b). No unemployed or retired worker, no working class student, apprentice, homemaker, prisoner or unwaged volunteer on a project initiated by the IWW or any subordinate body thereof shall be excluded from membership on the grounds that s/he is not currently receiving wages. Such workers may take membership in the Industrial Union for the industry in which they last worked, or for which they are now training, or at which they work part-time, or in the case of students and homemakers in Educational Workers I.U. 620 or Household Service Workers I.U. 680 respectively as may seem most practical. This provision shall not deny to any Industrial Union or Industrial Union Branch the right to limite vote on strictly point-of-production matters. Workers employed in co-operatives democratically run by their employees are welcome to membership. Members who become temporarily self-employed may retain their membership or apply for withdrawal cards, which are issuable also to those who must withdraw when they become employers.
(c). No member of the Industrial Workers of the World shall be an officer of a trade or craft union or political party.
Branches may allow IWW members to become officers of trade or craft unions as long as these exceptions are reported to the General Administration and no IWW member receives significant pay (more than dues rebate and expenses) as a result of being an officer or official in a union that does not call for abolition of the wage system.
Exceptions may be made by the branches to allow unpaid officers of political parties to become members.
Sec. 2. All applicants shall agree to abide by the Constitution and regulations of the IWW and diligently study its principles and make themselves acquainted with its purpose. This obligation shall be printed on the application blank.
Sec. 3. Whenever members of the Industrial Workers of the World shall hold jobs in more than one industry, they may simultaneously be members of more than one Industrial Union or Industrial Union Branch with full rights to democratic participation in said bodies, provided that they are actual workers in said industries, and provided further that they pay all dues and assessments required by each Industrial Union or Industrial Union Branch of which they are members. Members who are simultaneously members of more than one Industrial Union or Industrial Union Branch shall have only one vote in General Organizational elections and referenda.
Job Branches
Sec. 4(a). Whenever there are five or more members on the job, they shall constitute themselves a shop or a job branch, and elect a shop committee and a job delegate to attend to urgent matters between business meetings. No member should serve permanently on a committee. At each meeting a new committee should be elected. All members should take their turns at serving on committees.
(b). To encourage workers' self-management of the means of production and the abolition of the wage system, the IWW shall allow non-wage producer cooperatives to join as chartered IWW co-ops having the right to use the IWW label on their products. IWW co-ops shall consist of at least three members. Any elected co-op office shall be subject to recall election if one is called for by the membership. The recompense of the members in IWW co-ops shall not undermine wages in the Industry. IWW co-ops will honor all unions' boycotts and strikes. IWW co-ops will use union products and services whenever possible and recycle as feasible.
Sec. 5(a). Not less than five members, not including the paid Branch Secretary, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
(b). No paid official of any part of the Industrial Workers of the World shall be permitted to vote in Branch meetings.
General Officers
Section 1. The General Administration shall consist of the General Secretary-Treasurer and the General Executive Board.
Sec. 2(a). The term of office shall be for 1 year and the same shall commence on January 1. Officials, after having served their first term of office shall be eligible for two more terms only, except as specified in Section 3 (c) and (d).
(b). The General Executive Board shall set the wages of all general organization employees and organizers.
General Administration
Sec. 3(a). The General Secretary-Treasurer shall be a member for 3 years, and 18 months in continuous good standing immediately prior to nomination. The General Executive Board shall consist of seven members, all of whom have been members for 18 months, and 12 months in continuous good standing, immediately prior to nomination.
In the event that no nominee for General Secretary-Treasurer meeting the 3 year membership requirement can be found, then the 3 year requirement shall be reduced to one of 2 years membership with 18 months in continuous good standing prior to nomination.
A person elected to office must remain in continuous good standing until assuming that office or forfeit the right to hold the office.
(b). Nominations for General Secretary-Treasurer and members of the General Executive Board shall be made at the General Assembly of the IWW or through the mail with nominations closed by the adjournment of the General Assembly. In either event, election shall be by general referendum ballot as provided for in Article IX, Sec. 2. The ballot shall include space for write-in candidates. Either a verbal acceptance on the floor of the Assembly or a written acceptance addressed to the General Secretary-Treasurer must be received from each candidate whose name is placed on the ballot. No member shall be a candidate for or be permitted to hold more than one General Administration office at a time.
(c). The three candidates receiving the highest number of nominations for General Secretary-Treasurer shall have their names placed on the ballot. Members who have served three or more consecutive terms as General Secretary-Treasurer shall not have their names placed on the ballot, except in the event that three qualified nominees cannot otherwise be secured. When this is the case, the names of the nominees who have served three or more consecutive terms may be placed on the ballot, but the ballot shall clearly state the number of terms in succession previously served by such a candidate. All write-in candidates who meet the requirements of Article III, Section 3(a) are considered qualified nominees. The one receiving the highest number of votes on referendum being elected.
(d). The 21 candidates receiving the highest number of nominations for General Executive Board member shall have their names placed on the ballot. Members who have served three or more consecutive terms on the General Executive Board shall not have their names placed on the ballot, except in the event that 15 qualified nominees cannot otherwise be secured. When this is the case, the names of the nominees who have served three or more consecutive terms may be placed on the ballot, but the ballot shall clearly state the number of terms in succession previously served by such a nominee. A write-in candidate must receive a minimum number of votes equal to 5% of the IWW members in good standing. All write-in candidates who receive the minimum number of votes and meet the requirements of Article III, Section 3(a), are considered qualified nominees. The seven nominees receiving the highest number of votes on the referendum shall constitute the General Executive Board.
(e). The General Executive Board Chairperson shall be the alternate to the General Secretary-Treasurer. Alternates to the General Executive Board shall be the remaining nominees in the order of votes received.
In the event of a vacancy on the General Executive Board, with all duly elected members or alternates already serving or being unavailable, the General Secretary and the GEB Chairperson shall appoint a board member until another shall be elected by referendum.
(f). No official of the General Administration shall be permitted to hold other office in, or become a paid employee of any Industrial Union of the Industrial Workers of the World.
Duties of the General Secretary-Treasurer
Sec. 4(a). The duties of the General Secretary-Treasurer shall be to take charge of all books, papers and effects of the office. S/he shall conduct the correspondence pertaining to his/her office. S/he shall be the custodian of the seal of the organization, and shall attach same to all official documents over his/her official signature. S/he shall furnish the committee on credentials, at each General Assembly, a statement of the financial standing of each Industrial Union. S/he shall have a voice, but no vote, in the governing bodies of the organization.
The General Secretary-Treasurer shall close his or her accounts for the fiscal year on the last day of June. S/he shall make a monthly report to the General Executive Board and the general membership. S/he shall also make a complete itemized report of financial and other affairs of his or her office to each General Assembly.
S/he shall prepare and sign all charters issued by the General Executive Board. S/he shall receive all moneys for charters from Industrial Unions and Industrial Departments. S/he shall receipt for same, care for and deposit all moneys as instructed by the General Executive Board, in some solvent bank or banks, which shall be drawn out only to pay indebtedness arising out of due conduct of the business of the organization, and then only if bills have first been duly presented by the creditors when a check shall be drawn by him/her in payment thereof.
S/he shall employ such assistants as are necessary to conduct the affairs of his/her office, remuneration for such employees to be fixed by the General Executive Board.
(b). S/he shall publish a monthly General Organization Bulletin containing his/her monthly report as well as that of the General Executive Board; together with official notices, referendum ballots, monthly and annual financial reports, and other organization business. In the event of financial necessity the General Secretary/Treasurer is authorized to issue fewer than twelve bulletins per year, but in no case fewer than eight per year. The Bulletin shall also include letters from IWW members on current referenda and elections, organizing campaigns, and other union business. The GST shall publish all submissions received by the published monthly deadline, deleting only epithets and/or personal attacks against other members (except that members shall have complete freedom to criticize the conduct of union officials without censorship subject to the provisions of By-Laws Article III Section 6a).
Duties of the General Executive Board
Sec. 5(a). The General Executive Board shall elect its own chairperson from its own number.
The General Executive Board shall have general supervision over all affairs of the organization between conventions, and shall watch vigilantly over the interests throughout its jurisdiction. It shall be assisted by the officers and members of all organizations subordinate to the Industrial Workers of the World. It shall appoint such organizers as the conditions of the organization may justify.
(b). The General Executive Board shall not appoint or cause to be appointed any delegate or organizer against the protest of, and without first notifying, the General Organizing Committee of the Industrial Union which has jurisdiction in the territory in which the delegate or organizer is to operate.
All organizers so appointed shall at all times work under the instruction of the General Executive Board. All organizers and General Executive Board members, while in the employ of the Industrial Workers of the World, shall report to the Chairperson of the General Executive Board in writing, on blanks provided for that purpose, at least once each week.
(c). The General Executive Board shall have full power to issue charters to Industrial Departments, Industrial Unions, Branches, and Industrial District Councils.
(d). The General Executive Board shall have full power and authority over all IWW publications and guide their policy.
(e). The members of the General Executive Board shall have power to visit any subordinate body of the IWW and have full authority to examine and audit all accounts of such body; and also to enforce the use of the uniform system of bookkeeping as adopted by the Assembly of the IWW from time to time.
(f). The General Executive Board shall meet on the call of the Chairperson or majority vote of the General Executive Board.
(g). All matters pertaining to organization shall be settled by the entire General Executive Board by mail or wire when absent from headquarters. It shall take a majority vote to settle any question.
(h). The General Executive Board shall have power to appoint a Secretary of the General Defense Committee whenever they deem it necessary.
(i). The General Executive Board shall issue a monthly report of their activities.
International Solidarity Commission
Sec. 6(a). The International Solidarity Commission shall be composed of three IWW members with at least 18 months continuous good standing, to be elected by general referendum.
(b). The General Secretary-Treasurer and General Executive Board chairperson shall serve as ex officio members of the Commission with voice but no vote.
(c). International Solidarity Commission members are subject to the same nomination, election and recall procedures as any other IWW officers.
(d). The Commission will coordinate the IWW's international relations with other unions; maintain an ongoing, regular exchange of information and publications; and coordinate international solidarity campaigns. The Commission shall issue international solidarity appeals and statements in behalf of the organization, subject to veto by the General Executive Board.
Charges Against General Officers
Sec. 7(a). Charges against any of the General Officers shall be filed in writing with the G.E.B. or the General Assembly, at the option of the person filing charges. Also, in the case where a member of the Union who is not a General Officer is accused of exercising the authority of the GEB or GST without their approval, such charges shall be filed in writing with the GEB or the General Assembly, at the option of the person filing charges.
If the charges are filed before the G.E.B., they shall at once have a copy of the charges sent to the accused, together with the notice of the date of the hearing of the charges. Charges filed before the General Assembly must be sent to the General Secretary at least 30 days prior to the date of the convening of the assembly.
On receipt of the charges the General Secretary will forward a copy of the same to the accused and notice to appear at the convention for trial.
(b). Any decision of the G.E.B. on charges tried by them shall be subject to appeal to the next General Assembly and from the General Assembly to the general membership. The decision of the General Assembly on charges can be appealed to the general membership. This appeal must be filed with the General Administration within ninety (90) days from the adjournment of the General Assembly.
The cost of appealing to the general membership shall be borne by the party taking the appeal. If the vote on appeal results in the favor of the party taking the appeal then the General Organization shall refund the cost of the appeal.
Clearing House
Sec. 1(a). The General Headquarters of the Industrial Workers of the World shall function as a Clearing House that will automatically settle all debts between Industrial Unions and General Headquarters.
(b). All credentials authorizing members to initiate members or to collect dues shall be issued by the General Secretary-Treasurer. He or she shall issue such credentials on his or her discretion, on the recommendation of the local or industrial union officers, and must do so on the instruction of the General Executive Board. Those so credentialed shall have been members for 6 months, except that newly organized groups may elect one of their members to serve in that capacity. All such credentials shall bear a distinguishing number, and shall empower the bearer to initiate members or collect dues in all industries.
(c). All job delegates or others bearing such credentials shall record all fees, dues, assessments, etc., collected on the forms provided by the General Secretary and shall identify receipt both on the page of the dues book and on top of the stamps with their credential number and date, and shall report at least monthly to the General Secretary by submitting this record together with all signed applications for membership, and all fees and dues money received; provided, any Industrial Union or Industrial Union Branch, or General Membership Branch, through which the delegate operates may require that this report be transmitted through it, to record the information in its own files and to retain such portion of moneys as this constitution and pertinent by-laws permit.
(d). The Chairperson of the General Executive Board shall countersign all checks issued by the General Secretary-Treasurer. At the same time as the General Executive Board selects its chair, it shall also select a non-board member to be designated check co-signer. The co-signer will have the same eligibility requirements as a Board member.
(e). Job delegates working out of the general office shall remit all of initiation fees and dues, whether for employed or unemployed members. Secretaries of chartered branches shall remit one-half of same to the general office and retain the other half in the branch treasury.
(f). The General Secretary-Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of a General Membership or Industrial Union Branch only upon its request, but s/he shall be the custodian of the funds of each Industrial Union, except operating funds for which the organizers or officers are, in accordance with the by-laws, held responsible. The General Administration cannot use the funds so entrusted to it without the consent of the Industrial Unions or other bodies owning such a fund, so long as these bodies continue.
(g). Supplies issued delegates and branch secretaries on behalf of Industrial Unions shall be charged to the Industrial Union.
(h). Reports with remittance for dues, etc., paid during the month shall be sent to the General Secretary not later than the 10th day of the following month. Should any branch or Industrial Union fail to do so, further supplies to it shall be withheld until these reports are received.
(i). The location of General Headquarters of the IWW shall be determined only by explicit referendum of the membership. The current location of General Headquarters is Ypsilanti, Michigan, U.S.A.
Duties of Branch Secretaries and Delegates
Section 1. Except as provided otherwise in Branch or Industrial Union by-laws, branch secretaries shall be the responsible custodians of all branch records, funds and supplies; shall issue such supplies to delegates in their branch and receive reports from them; shall maintain such records of these transactions as by-laws or organizing programs require; shall report all such business to the General Secretary-Treasurer at least monthly; shall also transmit to the General Secretary copies of all minutes of meetings and of his or her own monthly financial report to his or her branch; shall endeavor to keep all members in good standing and aware of all referenda. S/he shall also report at least monthly to the General Secretary on the activities and prospects of his or her branch.
Section 1(a). Each year the IWW shall hold a General Assembly of the Union, the date and venue of the next Assembly to be set by the Assembly in session before its adjournment.
(b). The General Assembly of the IWW shall not remain in session over 10 days. Prior to the General Assembly the General Executive Board shall issue an agenda to the delegates to the General Assembly specifying the time limit on each question. All resolutions, wherever possible, shall be in the hands of the G.E.B. 10 days before the opening of the General Assembly. Copies of all resolutions shall be furnished to all delegates.
Sec. 2. The General Assembly of the IWW is the legislative body of the union and has the power to expel any member for violation of the IWW constitution, by-laws, or principles. The Assembly's enactments are of legal force, provided they are approved by general referendum. Referenda to approve assembly motions shall be issued according to the provisions of Article IX, sec. 2.
Sec. 3(a). Representation at the General Assembly of the IWW shall be mass membership and delegate on the basis of one member one vote.
(b). Delegates can have more than one vote only on issues on which they carry written instructions from the member or body that instructed them.
(c). When two or more delegates are representing an Industrial Union in the Assembly, the vote of such Industrial Union shall be equally divided between the delegates.
(d). The expenses of delegates to the General Assembly, including their mileage, shall be borne by the body they represent.
Sec. 4(a). On or before July 1 of each year the General Secretary-Treasurer shall send to the Chairperson of the General Organization Committee of each Industrial Union credentials in duplicate for the number of delegates and alternates they are entitled to in the convention.
(b). The Chairperson of the General Organization Committee of the Industrial Union shall properly fill out the blank credentials received from the General Secretary-Treasurer and return one copy to the General Office not later than August 15. The other copy shall be presented by the delegate to the Committee on Credentials when the convention assembles.
Temporary Session
Sec. 5. The General Executive Board shall draw up a list of delegates against whom no contest has been filed at the General Office. The General Secretary-Treasurer shall call the convention to order and read the aforesaid list. The delegates on the said list shall proceed to form a temporary organization by electing a temporary Chairperson and a Committee on Credentials.
Delegates' Eligibility
Sec. 6(a). Delegates to the General Assembly from the Industrial Unions must be members of the IWW for 1 year and in continuous good standing for 60 days immediately prior to nomination.
(b). The general administration officials shall be delegates at large, with voice but no vote. All paid officials and employees must be off the payroll 90 days prior to the convening of the General Assembly to become eligible as delegates. Any member who has not been on the payroll 10 consecutive days in the 3 months immediately prior to the convening of the Assembly, shall be eligible as a delegate. No delegate shall cast more than one vote when voting on the seating of a contested delegate or delegates. No delegate shall have more than one vote on the expulsion of a member.
(c). Delegates to the General Assembly shall not serve for two consecutive terms.
Records of Delegates
(d). The Clearing House shall forward a complete record of each delegate elected to the General Assembly of the IWW to the Chairperson of the G.E.B., and to the Secretary-Treasurer in order to facilitate the work of the Credentials Committee of the General Assembly.
Joint Delegates
Sec. 7. Two or more unions, with a total membership of 500 or less, may jointly send a delegate to the Assembly, and the vote of said delegate shall be based on the representation hereinbefore provided for.
Sec. 8. Industrial Unions that are indebted to the official organs or the publishing bureau controlled by the organization, having sufficient funds to pay their indebtedness, shall not be entitled to representation in the General Assembly.
Auditing Committee
Sec. 9. The General Assembly of the IWW shall elect an auditing committee to audit hearquarters books and supplies. Its expenses shall be borne by the General Organization. It shall issue a report within 90 days of its election, and cause this report to be published in the General Organization Bulletin.
Sec. 10. Resolutions for the General Assembly shall be acted upon by their Industrial Union convention, and if the Industrial Union has no convention, then the branches acting on same must send them to their Industrial Union G.E.B. or G.O.C. Chairperson to be segregated; and each resolution shall be on a separate sheet of paper and duplicated. No resolution sent in by an individual shall be considered by the General Assembly.
Section 1. There shall be a Universal Label for the entire organization. It shall be of a crimson color and always the same in design. The use of the Universal Label shall never be delegated to employers, but shall be vested entirely in our organization. Except on stickers, circulars, and literature proclaiming the merits of the Industrial Workers of the World, and emanating from the General Offices of the Industrial Workers of the World, the Universal Label shall be printed only as evidence of work done by IWW members.
When the label is so printed it shall be done by the authority of our organization, without the intervention of any employer.
Whenever the Universal Label is placed upon a commodity as evidence of work done by Industrial Workers, it shall be accompanied by an inscription underneath the label stating what the work is that Industrial Workers have done, giving the name of Industrial Department to which they belong and the number or numbers of their unions; and the Universal Label shall never be printed as evidence of work done without this inscription.
Sec. 2. Each Union and Branch shall be provided with a seal by the General Secretary-Treasurer, which shall bear the number of the Union, and all official papers from the union or branch must bear an imprint of this seal, and none will be legal without this impression.
Sec. 1. The revenue of the organization shall be derived as follows: Charter fees from Industrial Departments shall be $25.00 and for Industrial Unions $10.00. Industrial Union Branches shall pay $2.00 for seal and charter.
Initiation Fees & Dues
Sec. 2(a). The Industrial Unions shall have autonomous right to set their own initiation fees, dues and assessments, other than General Organizational assessments. It is the policy of the IWW to put no financial barrier to prevent any worker from joining. Accordingly, initiations shall not exceed $15.00 nor monthly dues exceed $15.00. All Industrial Unions shall charge sufficient dues to meet their obligations. No part of the initiation fee or dues mentioned above shall be used as a sick or death benefit, but shall be held in the treasury as a general fund to defray the legitimate expenses.
(b). Industrial Unions and Industrial Union Branches shall have autonomous right to set their own initiation fees, dues and assessments. However such dues must be set at a rate that enables continued per capita payments. These payments are for the General Administration and chartered bodies (such as General Membership Branches and their successors) as described in (e) below.
(c). It is the policy of the IWW that no financial barrier shall prevent any worker from joining. Accordingly, Industrial Unions and Industrial Union Branches shall not set excessive initiation fees or dues. In no case shall Industrial Union or Industrial Union Branch initiation fees or monthly dues exceed two times the straight time hourly watge of the member.
(d). All Industrial Unions and Industrial Union Branches shall charge sufficient dues to meet their obligations and cover their expenses. No part of the initiation fees or dues mentioned above shall be used as a sick or death benefit, but shall be held in the treasury as a general fund to defray legitimate expenses.
(e). Dues paid by Industrial Union Branch members to their delegates consist of thee parts:
(i) Industrial Union Branch dues
(ii) Per capita due to General Administration, defined as fifty percent of the amount mandated under subsection (a) above;
(iii) Per capita due to the local General Membership Branch or its successors, which amount shall be negotiated between these bodies and the Industrial Union Branch.
(f). The G.E.B. is authorized at its discretion to waive initiation fee or reduce it to a nominal fee when incorporating previously organized workers or in organizing campaigns among especially distressed workers. The G.E.B. is further authorized to waive dues payments in the event of a strike or lockout.
(g). All dues stamps for all Industrial Unions must be of the same design without the price printed on them.
(h). A page shall be provided in the credentials fully stating the initiating fee and the dues charged by every Industrial Union for the information of delegates and branch secretaries.
(i). For members in Canada and the U.S. dues shall be set as follows:
(i) Dues shall be $6 per month for workers earning less than $1000 per month.
(ii) $12 per month for workers earning between $1000 and $2000 per month.
(iii) $18 per month for workers earning more than $2000 per month.
Sub-minimum dues of $3 per month may be paid by members in poor economic circumstances. Dues of members in the sub-minimum category who belong to organized branches shall be apportioned as follows: $2.50 to the General Adminstration, $0.50 to the branch.
Initiation fees shall be equal to one month's dues. Each new member shall be provided a copy of the One Big Union pamphlet.
(j). For areas outside of the USA, dues shall be set by the respective Regional Organizing Committees. In the absence of an ROC an individual may be delegated for a period of one year by the GST for the purpose of organizing an ROC. Such delegates shall report at least quarterly to the GST, and may retain all dues and initiation fees collected. Once established, Regional Organizing Committees shall negotiate with the GST for services and per capitas. An ROC shall be composed of all IWW members in good standing in the area to be represented unless that membership has provided for its own system of representation to same, in which case the body of membership so served shall remain a superordinate entity to the ROC.
(k). The General Executive Board is authorized at its discretion to allow 50% of the dues and initiations collected to be retained by those involved in an organizing campaign provided the delegates involved report on the progress of such campaigns to the General Executive Board monthly, and account for all money received and spent.
Amendments, Etc.
Section 1(a). All proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws shall clearly state the article, section and paragraph to which the amendment applies. New articles and sections shall be so stated. Each clause to be amended shall be on a separate sheet.
Conflicting Parts
(b). All parts of the Constitution conflicting with amendments ratified by a referendum vote are hereby declared null and void.
Sec. 2(a). A referendum on any organization question, including constitutional amendments, may be initiated by the General Executive Board, or by a petition of 15 members in good standing.
(b). Referendums shall take place three times yearly, as close as possible to the following schedule: Notification of the referendums shall be made to the members in the first G.O.B. on or after September 30, January 31, and May 31, respectively. Notification on a measure may not be given unless the motion or petition is printed in a prior or concurrent G.O.B. Ballots will be mailed first class on or as soon as possible after November 1, March 1, and July 1, provided that at least one G.O.B. has appeared since notification. Ballots will be due within 30 days from the date of mailing. Ballots to members outside the U.S. will be sent via air mail. Election of officers and resolutions of the General Assembly that must be sustained by referendum will be included with the November ballot. If for any reason a properly initiated referendum question misses the notification deadline or the appropriate ballot it will automatically be carried over to the next scheduled referendum.
(c). The returns of the referendum shall remain in General Headquarters in sealed envelopes until the ballot committee meets. The ballot committee shall meet immediately on expiration of time set for return of ballots. The General Secretary-Treasurer shall notify Industrial Union or body initiating referendum of date set for count of ballots.
(d). The ballot committee to count the votes on the referendum shall be composed as follows: Three members in continuous good standing for 1 year prior to their election on committee shall be elected by the Industrial Unions in the city in which Headquarters is located. In reporting through the monthly bulletin the returns of referendums and elections, the General Secretary-Treasurer shall give the names of the ballot committee together with their card numbers and the Industrial Union of which they are members.
(e). The Industrial Union or body initiating a referendum shall pay the expenses of its own delegates on ballot committee unless the referendum is carried, in which event the expenses shall be borne by the general organization.
(f). Referendum returns from any Industrial Union cannot exceed its paid up membership for the 3 months prior to the vote on the referendum in question.
(g). Ballots shall be prepared in such a way as to assure complete secrecy in voting and shall be in duplicate form to allow the member to retain a record of his or her vote. To ensure complete secrecy, all IWW referenda will use the two-envelope system. The ballot will be enclosed in the inner envelope and will contain no information identifying the ballot with the member who sent it. All information pertaining to the member's name and standing will be enclosed in the outer envelope. Once the ballot is approved by the ballot committee, the innner envelope will remain sealed and be secured separately from the member's identifying information. All ballots must be numbered. Ballots not numbered, not sealed, or from members in bad standing will not be considered valid ballots. Any members whose ballots have been invalidated shall be notified by first-class mail within seven (7) days of the decision by the Ballot Committee, explaining the reason his or her ballot was invalidated.
(h). All constitutional changes ratified by a general referendum ballot shall take effect January 1, unless otherwise decided by the
General Assembly.
(i). Any part of this General constitution may be suspended or set aside for 1 year if so approved by a general referendum, initiated as provided for in Section 2(a) of this Article.
Section 3. The General Administration Officials shall be subject to recall upon a referendum, initiated as provided for in Section 2(a), Article IX. They shall continue in office during the recall referendum.
Transfers, Craft Cards, Etc.
Section 1. There shall be a free interchange of cards between all organizations subordinate to the Industrial Workers of the World, and any Industrial Union shall accept, in lieu of initiation fee, the paid up membership card of any recognized labor union.
Sec. 2(a). Members of an Industrial Union who cease work in that industry and are working in another industry for 30 days or more, must transfer to the proper Industrial Union. No member is allowed to transfer unless actually working in the industry s/he wishes to transfer to.
(b). Any member of chartered unions when working in another Industrial Union over 30 days and who fails to transfer shall be considered a member in bad standing.
Sec. 3. Members in arrears in dues and assessments cannot transfer from one Industrial Union to another. Delinquent delegates cannot transfer.
Sec. 4(a). All delegates upon transferring a member from one Industrial Union to another shall immediately send the record of transfer to the Clearing House.
(b). Any member of the IWW who has attended any I.U. Conference or convention, with voice and vote 90 days prior to the convening of the General Assembly, at which action was taken on resolutions to be presented to the General Assembly, or at which delegates to the General Assembly were elected, shall not have voice and vote at any other I.U. Convention or Conference prior to the General Assembly.
Withdrawal of Cards
Sec. 5. On application, members who cease to be wage workers shall send their cards to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Clearing House who shall enter date of withdrawal on transfer page of membership book, together with his or her official signature, and return same to the withdrawing member.
Sec. 6. Any member in continuous good standing for 10 years, and found, after proper investigation by the Branch of the Industrial Union to which s/he belongs, to be incapacitated for life, the Industrial Union shall issue him/her a special membership card carrying the privilege of having a voice under "Good and Welfare," but with no voice on the business of the Branch.
Section 1. The number of signers required on an application for a Charter shall not be less than 10.
Sec. 2. The charter of a union or branch shall be surrendered when membership falls below 5.
Sec. 3. Upon a union surrendering its charter, the General Executive Board shall appoint a representative of the Industrial Workers of the World to take charge of the charter, supplies and property and funds of said union. Members or officers of said union refusing to deliver charter, supplies, property or funds of union surrendering its charter to the authorized representatives of the Industrial Workers of the World shall be expelled from the organization.
Unemployed members
Section 1. Except where Industrial Unions provide otherwise, any member whose income for the preceding month has been less than $800.00 shall be entitled to pay dues for that month at the minimum rate of three dollars per month, this to include students working part-time. If a member pays more than one month in advance and later the member's income changes to above $800, that member must pay the difference in dues with respect to the new income beginning with the month that it changed. Special minimum-income stamps shall be issued by the Clearing House, and shall be entered separately in all accounts.
Sec. 2. Members with minimum income dues stamps are entitled to full rights and privileges; representation at Assemblies shall in no way discriminate between the two types of dues; except as otherwise provided those paying minimum income dues shall be required to pay all assessments due from employed members.
* * *
Section 1. Unions shall have the power to enact such laws for their government as they may deem necessary, providing they do not conflict with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Industrial Workers of the World.
Sec. 2. A majority vote cast shall rule in the general organization and its subordinate parts.
Section 1. Preamble
The General Defense Committee (GDC) shall be composed of GDC locals, initiated by local Inudstrial Unions and/or General Membership Branches (GMB)
Sec. 2(a). A GDC local must consist of at least five members of the IWW in good standing, and shall be open to non members of the IWW who subscribe to the general prinicples and aims of the IWW and GDC.
(b). Charters for GDC locals shall be issued and approved by the GEB. A local charter may be placed in suspension by the IU or GMB with jursidiction, pending a decision by the GEB to revoke a charter. The GDC local may appeal the decision of the GEB regarding charters to the membership of the IWW.
(c). A quorum to meet for a GDC local shall be five members of the IWW in good standing.
(d). Each chartered local shall elect a Secretary/Treasurer who shall be responsible for keeping records of the minutes and funds, coordinating efforts with other locals, and reporting activities to the local IU or GMB and making quarterly reports to the GST of the GDC. All officers elected shall be members of the IWW.
Sec. 3. No expelled member of the IWW shall be eligible for membership in the GDC.
Sec. 4. The GDC shall be known as the GDC of the IWW, or of the local IU's and GMB's where applicable, and shall be stated so on membership cards, literature, and letterheads.
Sec. 5. Initiation fees for GDC membership shall be $5.00 and dues shall be $5.00 per quarter. Each local shall retain 75% of dues collected.
Sec. 6. The membership of the GDC may requisition funds from the treasury of the central GDC by means of a referendum of the entire GDC membership, said referendum to be called by 15 members of the GDC in good standing or by a chartered local making official petition, and balloting to be conducted by the office of the General Secretary/Treasurer of the GDC.
Sec. 7. The IWW membership shall elect yearly a Secretary/Treasurer to act as the custodian of the GDC central fund. The secretary must make quarterly reports to GHQ and will act as a clearinghouse for stamps and cards. The central fund shall be retained in a separate account for the purpose of defense work. An alternate for this office shall also be elected.
Sec. 8. Locals may engage in strike support and other activities consistent with the aims and principles of the IWW.
Section 1. Whenever charges are filed by a member of one Industrial Union against a member of the same Industrial Union, they shall be in writing, setting forth the facts, together with the names of witnesses and their statements regarding the offenses with which the accused member is charged.
The charges shall be read in the Industrial Union Branch at the next regular meeting, at which time five members shall be elected from the floor of the meeting to act as a charges committee. The accuser and the accused shall have no voice in the election of the charges committee, nor can either of them act on same.
The committee shall furnish the accused with a true copy of the charges either by registered mail or by personal delivery in the presence of a witness. The charges committee shall set a date for a hearing and shall collect all evidence both for and against the accused, and at the end of their hearing they shall submit their findings together with the charges and evidence to the next regular meeting of the branch, at which time the membership will accept or reject their findings.
If the findings are accepted by both parties the decision shall at once be sent by registered mail to the headquarters of the Industrial Union. If either party so desires, an appeal may be taken within 30 days to the Convention of the Industrial Union, and to the general membership of the Industrial Union for referendum.
Sec. 2. Whenever charges are filed against a member of another Industrial Union the member preferring the charges shall present same to the branch of which the accused is a member if there is a branch in the city or industrial district where the alleged offense was committed. If charges are preferred against a member of another Industrial Union for an alleged offense in a city or industrial district where there is no branch of the Industrial Union of which the accused is a member then the charges may be tried by any IWW branch in the city, provided, however, if there are two or more IWW branches in the city the trial branch shall not be the one to which the accused belongs.
Sec. 3. It shall be optional for each Industrial Union to make by-laws permitting the filing of charges direct with the Industrial Union Convention.
Sec. 4. Appeal may be taken from the Industrial Union Convention to the General Assembly by either side.
Sec. 5(a). No member's card shall be taken up without the action of a regular business meeting, conference or convention.
(b). No publicity shall be given in our papers on any suspension until same has been acted upon by the I.U. Convention or General Assembly. The I.U. Convention or General Assembly shall then order whatever publicity is necessary on the case.
Sec. 6(a). The circulation of accusations by one member against another, unless substantiated by charges filed according to these provisions, shall be grounds for expulsion of member circulating such matters.
(b). No member of the IWW shall be suspended for more than 90 days. All charges must be finally disposed of, and members so charged either expelled or reinstated within that time.
Sec. 7. When the member charged does not belong to an IUB or GMB that can provide for his/her trial, the GEB shall provide arrangements for a fair trial, and shall seek agreement between the charged and charging parties on these arrangements.
Section 1. All employees hired by the IWW shall be members of the IWW when possible.
Expelled Members
Sec. 2. The general organization and Industrial Unions shall be prohibited from employing expelled members until such members have been reinstated and placed in good standing by the union or unions from which they were expelled.
Section 1. Monthly dues are payable the first of each month. Members whose dues are 60 days in arrears (60 days from the first of the month when dues were payable), shall be in bad standing and shall not be entitled to any rights or benefits in the IWW until such dues have been paid. After 6 months in bad standing members cannot take part in business meetings.
Sec. 2. Delinquent delegates are members in bad standing. Delinquency of delegates shall be defined by the Industrial Union to which the delegate belongs.
Sec. 3. All G.O.C. travelling delegates and branch secretaries when issuing credentials shall mark in delegate's membership card the number of the credentials issued with the date,and by whom issued; and when a delegate's account is cleared, the Clearing House shall issue her or him a clearance stamp to be affixed on his or her membership card.
Supplies, Etc.
All subordinate organizations of the Industrial Workers of the World must procure and use such supplies as dues books, dues stamps, official buttons, labels and badges from the General Secretary Treasurer. All such supplies are to be of a uniform design.
Speakers and Organizers
Sec. 1. No members of the IWW shall represent the organization before a body of wage earners without first having been authorized by the General Executive Board or a subordinate part of the IWW.
Sec. 2. No organizer for the IWW while on the platform for this organization shall advocate any political party platform.
Any member who accepts nomination for an official position and declines after his or her name has been placed on the ballot, shall not be eligible for any office for 2 years, unless good cause is given such as sickness or being in jail.
Any publication controlled by the IWW may accept advertising only from IWW-organized shops, artisan shops (individual IWW members controlling their own means of production) and cooperatives, at the discretion of and at rates to be set by the editor and/or publisher of the publication involved.
Section 1. Each Industrial Union shall have power to make rules relating to agreements between its job branches and the employers.
Sec. 2. No agreement made by any component part of the IWW shall provide for a checkoff of union dues by the employer, or obligate the members of the union to do work that would aid in breaking any strike.
No clause of the General By-Laws in the General Constitution shall be considered valid unless carried by referendum vote and inserted in the General Constitution and By-Laws.
No officer or member of the Union may seek a private interview with an employer in the event of a strike or during contract negotiations.
Section 1. The General Assembly shall have the power to select a Committee of 5 members, to serve the Union for one year in the capacity of mediating conflicts as such may arise amongst members.
Section 2. This shall be known as the Conflict Mediation Committee (CMC), and shall not have the power to arbitrate disputes or to bind parties to agreements. Rather, it shall seek to find mutually-agreeable solutions to conflicts and thereby avoid the need for charges to be filed. This Article shall not supercede or abrogate Article III of these General By-Laws, but rather augment its effectiveness by resolving disputes and dissipating their divisiveness before Article III remedies need to be pursued.
Section 3. It is in the best interests of the IWW to resolve disputes without corroding solidarity between individuals and component parts of the Union. Mitigating the need for the intervention of the whole of the Union in any particular dispute serves this interest. Therefore, requesting the intervention of the CMC, and participating in its processes shall be viewed as an act of good faith. Such participation shall not be compulsory; however, publicizing a dispute without first attempting mediation is disrespectful both of other Fellow Workers and of the interests of this Union and the working class.
Section 4. All rights and duties under Article III of these By-Laws are otherwise preserved, and the failure of mediation to resolve a dispute is rightly referred thereunto.
Section 5. The CMC shall establish its own working rules, bearing in mind that the nature of successful mediation is flexibility and accomodation of different needs within the broader framework of this Constitution and By-Laws.
Section 6. CMC members shall be and remain in good standing for the time they so serve, and shall be recallable by majority vote of the Union in referendum between Assemblies. As this Committee has no enforcement or other binding powers, members shall not be subject to term limits.
* * *
Political Parties & Discipline
Whereas, the primary object of the Industrial Workers of the World is to unite the workers on the industrial battlefield; and
Whereas, Organization in any sense implies discipline through the subordination of parts to the whole and of the individual member to the body of which he or she is a part; therefore be it
Resolved, That to the end of promoting industrial unity and of securing necessary discipline within the organization, the IWW refuses all alliances, direct and indirect, with existing political parties or anti-political sects, and disclaims responsibility for any individual opinion or act which may be at variance with the purposes herein expressed.
Organizing Campaigns
Resolved: That the following policy be adopted on organizing campaigns:
1. Delegates attached to General Membership Branches shall obtain the approval of the Branch before beginning an organizing campaign. The Branch will be held responsible for seeing that the campaign is carried through as effectively as possible.
2. Delegates not attached to a GMB shall obtain the approval of the appropriate regional General Organizing Committee, or the General Executive Board, before beginning an organizing campaign. They will be expected to: (a) Have knowledge of the job and industry in which they plan to organize; (b) Be able to guarantee, beyond a reasonable doubt, that they will be able to remain in the area until the campaign is concluded; (c) Have a workable plan for financing the expenses of the campaign; (d) Report regularly to the Regional Organizing Committee or the GEB on the progress of the campaign.
1(a). Any IWW Branch, Job Shop, Group, or Delegate may request funds for organizing by submitting a clearly written proposal to the Clearinghouse. This proposal shall include, but will not necessarily be limited to, the following information; person or group requesting funds; budget request (including stipends, phone costs, supplies, travel, etc.). This budget request shall also include a proposed monthly disbursement schedule; description of organizing drive; timetable for organizing drive.
(b). The Clearinghouse, upon receipt of the proposal, will send copies of the proposal to General Executive Board members immediately.
(c). The GEB shall have a maximum of 45 days (from the postmark on the proposal) to vote on the proposal. If the person(s) submitting the proposal requests a phone vote for expediency, the GEB must vote by phone. A proposal can only be accepted by a majority vote of the GEB.
2(a). Immediately after a proposal is approved, funds will be distributed on a monthly basis to the delegate, group, job shop, or branch requesting the funds.
(b). Monthly reports shall be sent to the Clearinghouse explaining the progress of the organizing drive. These reports shall include a financial report and appropriate receipts. Funds will not be disbursed without monthly reports.
(c). Funds can be suspended at any time by a majority vote of the GEB. If this occurs, the balance of funds not yet spent must be returned to the Clearinghouse promptly.
3. Any GEB decision can be appealed to the general membership via a referendum (see Article IX of the Constitution).
The GST may authorize the expenditure of organizing funds necessary to translate and reproduce IWW literature for organizing purposes, into any language requested by a GMB, Job Shop, IWW Group, or Delegate.
Resolutions to be voted upon at General Assembly must be presented to the membership through the GOB at least two months before the Assembly convenes to allow proxy votes to be gathered on the issues involved. Resolutions submitted to the Assembly that have not been published in the GOB as described above must only be voted on if the convention body determines through majority vote that their content is of such an emergency nature that it would effect the operation of the union.
Expenditures exceeding $5,000 can be authorized only by member referendum.
To Be Used for the Information of Delegates in Initiating New Members
Agricultural workers IU 110: All workers on farms, ranches, orchards, and plantations.
Lumber Workers IU 120: All workers in forests. All workers engaged in logging operations, in saw and shingle mills, and in preparing wood for fuel and manufacturing purposes. Bark and sap collection.
Fishery Workers IU 130: All workers in fishing pursuits on oceans, lakes and rivers. Oyster and clam bed keepers. Workers engaged in collecting pearls, corals, and sponges. Workers in fish hatcheries.
Floriculture Workers IU 140: All workers in nurseries, flower gardens, green- and hot-houses. Cultivation of silk. Distribution of floral products.
Metal Mine Workers IU 210: All workers engaged in mining all metals and minerals. All workers in refineries, smelters, mills, and other reduction works. All workers in stone and other quarries.
Coal Mine Workers IU 220: All workers engaged in coal mining and the production of coke and briquets.
Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Workers IU 230: All workers engaged in oil, gas, and geothermal fields fields, refineries and processing facilities. All workers engaged in distribution of the products.
General Construction Workers IU 310: All workers engaged in construction of docks, railroads, highways, streets, bridges, sewers, subways, tunnels, canals, viaducts, irrigation canals and pipelines.
Ship Builders IU 320: All workers engaged in building and repairing ships, boats, and small harbor craft. All drydock workers.
Building construction Workers IU 330: All workers engaged in erection and construction of houses and buildings, and in delivery of materials.
Textile and Clothing Workers IU 410: All workers engaged in producing cloth from natural or synthetic fibers. All workers engaged in manufacturing wearing apparel.
Furniture Workers IU 420: All workers in planing mills and furniture factories. All workers engaged in producing wooden containers.
Chemical Workers IU 430: all workers engaged in producing drugs, paint, rubber, explosives, medicines, chemicals, plastics, synthetic fibers, and other chemically-based products.
Metal and Machinery Workers IU 440: All workers in blast furnaces, steel mills, aluminum plants, etc. All workers engaged in producing agricultural machinery, cars, locomotives, engines, automobiles, bicycles, air craft, and various instruments. Tool makers, jewellery and watchmakers.
Printing and Publishing House Workers IU 450: All workers engaged in producing printed matter.
Foodstuff Workers IU 460: All workers except agricultural and fishery workers, engaged in producing and processing food, beverages, and tobacco products.
Leather Workers IU 470: All workers in tanneries and factories producing leather goods, luggage, boots, and shoes.
Glass and Pottery Workers IU 480: All workers producing glass, chinaware, pottery, tile and bricks.
Pulp and Paper Mill workers IU 490: All workers in pulp and paper mills engaged in making pulp, paper and paper containers.
Marine Transport Workers IU 510: All workers engaged in marine transportation. All workers on docks and in terminals.
Railroad Workers IU 520: All workers engaged in long distance railway freight and passenger transportation. All workers in locomotive, car, and repair shops. All workers in and around passenger and freight terminals.
Motor Transport Workers IU 530: All workers engaged in hauling freight and passengers by truck, bus, and cab. All workers in and around motor freight sheds, and bus passenger stations.
Municipal Transportation Workers IU 540: All workers engaged in municipal, short distance transportation service.
Air Transport Workers IU 550: All workers employed in air service and maintenance.
Telecommunications and Computer Workers IU 560: All workers engaged in telephone, telegraph, radio, television, satellite communication and computer operations, including programming and networking.
Health Service Workers IU 610: All workers employed in hospitals and health restoration services.
Educational Workers Iu 620: All workers in educational institutions.
Recreational Workers IU 630: All workers in playgrounds and places of amusement and recreation. All professional entertainers.
Restaurant, Hotel, and Building Service Workers IU 640: All workers in facilities for public accommodation. All building service workers.
General, Legal, Public Interest and Financial Office Workers IU 650: All workers engaged in General, Legal, Public Interest, and Financial Offices and institutions that do not directly involve any other industry.
General Distribution workers IU 660: All workers in general distribution facilities, wholesale and retail.
Municipal and Utility Service Workers IU 670: All workers engaged in the transmission, supply, and maintenance gof gas, electric, water, and sewer services. All workers engaged in the collection and refining of disposable, salvageable, and recyclable materials. All workers engaged in the maintenance of cemeteries, parks, streets, and highways.
Household Service Workers IU 680: All workers engaged in performing services in the home.
Sex Trade Workers IU 690: All workers employed as dancers and models, telephone sex workers, actors and other workers who use sexuality as the primary tool of their trade (excluding all agents of the boss class able to hire or fire, or possessing equivalent coercive or punitive power).
1. Opening and Calling Meeting to Order.
2. Reading of Minutes.
3. Reading of Applications for Membership.
4. Reports of committees, Standing and Special.
5. Reports of Delegates and Officers.
6. Reading of communications and Bills.
7. Monthly Report of financial Secretary, including reading of receipts and expenses.
8. Unfinished Business.
9. New Business.
10. Nominations, Elections, and Installations.
11. Good and Welfare.
12. Adjournment.